Tuesday, November 30, 2010

{A Big Girl.... Kinda}

Last week our family celebrated my daughter turning 1, yes the big first year. We had a party for her at our house, and so many friends and loved ones came and celebrated with us. We are so blessed.
My husband and I have a son, E, who will turn 3 in March. A few days after his first birthday, we found out we were pregnant with LaLa. So we were in a huge state of shock. Its funny because everyone around us, including my husband and I, were less supportive of our second pregnancy, than our first. Isnt that weird? I thought it was usually the other way around. Anywho, from the time I knew I wanted kids (which was a very long time ago, like I was probably 13), I always dreamt of having a house full of boys, all close in age. I saw my days consisting of stepping on cars, tripping over shoes, and washing loads of the dirtiest laundry imaginable. So when we went to the doctor November 20th, 2007 with our first child, and saw that he was a boy, I felt as if I had taken a step towards my dream. Well, after your first kid, you start to forget everything so I cant remember the day we found out what we were having with my second born, but I do remember sitting in the doctors offive at 17 weeks along. My mother-in-law and my mom were in there with me as he announced "Jessie, your gonna have a little girl", cheers and "YAYS!" were coming from everyone but me, I said "Crap!". To this day, I wish I could take back that word. LaLa is the apple of her daddys eye, E's sidekick, and she is the reason I am no longer out numbered in my house. I cherish that little girl so much, and I wouldnt have it any other way. It makes my heart warm at the thought of the Lord choosing us to be the parents of these children. He chose us. What an honor. Its crazy how proud you can be of a little girl who kept you without sleep for the first 6 months of her life, poops in her pants, and climbs on the most unimaginable things to make you have a heart attack at the age of 23. And my son, he can throw some of the worst tantrums I have ever seen, he loves to kick over or jump on my piles of freshly washed and folded laundry, and he broke one of my brand new Christmas decorations I just bought yesterday, but I am so proud of him. Im proud of the way he sings his ABC's with such confidence, and how he points out Jesus in his Bible, and how he will yank a toy out of his sisters hand in a heartbeat, but if she is crying he will make sure to hug and kiss her and say "Its gonna be ok baby".
Anyways, now that I have ranted on and on. Here are some pics from La's birthday party.

My helper, he knew the house had to be clean for the party ;)

Onsie from Lilshabebe on Etsy

LaLa has 4 men in her life that love her dearly

What kind of brother would he be if he didnt help her a little?

Some Dad sugars to top off the day

(Note: these were all taken inside without a flach, so the arnt of the best quality :) )

1 comment:

  1. my heart melted into one million pieces. and then, i laughed out loud.
