Monday, November 22, 2010

{Jordan & Page, and their wee ones}

I loved this shoot becasue Page is a dear friend of mine, we have been friends for close to 5 years now. We used to live together in our first aptartment, back before we had babies :). I consider there family part of mine, or maybe I consider myself part of their family :) haha. I am also very close to her younger sister Taylor, we were all inseperable at one point. Page had her baby boy Carter Gray, 1yr and like 5 days after I had my son Elijah, and on the day she had Carter, I found out I was pregnant with Lawson. Weird. Oh and now she is preggers again! She has a very handsome man Jordan, and with him comes the sweet little package of Little Jordan. He is seriously the goofiest kid, and totally adorable.


Probably my favorite of the day.

Happy Engagement you two loves!

Carter Bug

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