Friday, February 11, 2011

{Sleepness Nights}

Last night was kind of a rough one so to speak. Lee and I were up a little late chit chatting, that wasn't the smartest night for us to do that. 1am rolls around and Elijah comes into our room saying "Momma the doggies are barking at me and trying to get in my room." (We don't have doggies, so either it was neighborhood dogs or a cute 3yr old dream). He climbed in bed and snuggled up to his dad and told him what happened, dad replied half asleep, "I won't ever let the doggies get you, I will protect you". That sort of my my insides go to mush. I let him lay in our bed for 10 minutes then carried him back to his bed. He woke up as I laid him down, "Momma lay down with me". How on earth do you say no to that? I of course laid down and he wrapped his arm around me and held me like a teddy bear. His face smelt of something sweet and so did his hands. I think as a parent your child always has this scent that warms your soul, and that one spot on their face that you love to kiss. I can't resist their cheeks and nose. Lee likes to kiss their forehead. I would lose a thousand nights of sleep for that.
Next would be Lawson. (Yes, when my kids choose to wake up in the middle of the night, they only do it together, one after another.) Around 1:30, after Elijah was sound asleep, Lawson woke me up to an awful belly cry, the one that screams "I don't feel good or I have soaked myself". It was the "I don't feel good". She had a fever, poor gal. So I went to work fixing her up, Tylenol, ice water, and some TLC. She seemed to be doing better and not so good for me, she wanted to play. We went through this cycle again and again until around 3:30am. I finally brought her to bed with us. With Lawson, I don't get as much hands-on love in return as I do with Eli (of course that is just the age, and I am fine with that). Lawson has a distinct scent too. When she wakes up she smells of heat and some sort of puppy breath :) I love it, she is my little puppy. I love the way she stands up in her crib when she sees me at the door, and falls over from the shakiness of just waking up. I will miss the day when her and her brother are too big for me to hold, and I wont get to feel them tuck their arms under their stomach as they lay on my chest (yes Elijah still does this). So, because I will miss this one day, I will cherish it now, and I still would lose a thousand nights of sleep for that.

Here are some pictures of my beautiful family sleeping (something we are really good at). These pictures are all from my phone so they are not going to look the best, but they are of the highest quality to me :) Enjoy.

Please note dad in the background.

Happy Friday everyone!

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