Monday, November 8, 2010

{The Gwartenys}

If you don't already know, Luke and Jill are mine and my hubby's best friends. The Lord has made this friendship closer than anything, it is a family. Luke is a genuine, easy-going guy. He has a warm heart and the love he has for Jill is amazing. He truly cherishes her. Luke is vital to our family because of many different reasons but here are two of them, 1) he plays video games and endless amounts of sports with my husband, to me this isn't vital at all, but to my husband, it's a deal breaker 2) he lets his wife keep me company :) thanks Luke. Now on to Jill, ahhhhh Jill! This is my lady, it brings me to tears to talk about how much joy this woman has brought into my life (and for those of you who know me, I am NOT a cryer, so this is saying something!). She is one of the most loving women I have ever met. She has the confidence that I can only dream of, she makes me strive to be a better wife, without ever saying anything, and the Glory of God shines through her. Jill is also the biggest goofball and she wont meet a soul without making them smile first. I could go on and on about these two extraordinary people in my life, but then you wouldn't get to see what a beautiful pair they are!! So, here are the Deweys' other half, the Gwartneys...

Look at the way he looks at her, it kind of melts my heart.

This shot is very much Jill.

My friend is stunning.

One of my favorite shots of the day.



Love you two, hope you like your pictures!


  1. soooo pretty!such a beautiful,loving couple! fabulous job friend :)

  2. Oh my gosh. Jess, your work brought me to tears. Not kidding. We all know how hard that is for me too. What a talent you have! And your description of Luke and Jill could not be more dead on. My hat is off to all of you. You took my breath away.

  3. Jessie, I cried when I read what you wrote! Thank you so much for your sweet words. I have always dreamed of having a sister/close girl friend but never knew that God would bless me with someone more wonderful than I could dream (plus I/we get to enjoy the gang) which is a ton more love than I thought I could experience in a life time. And your talent with pictures is breath taking! I see the pictures and I feel beautiful. Thank you for that! Thank you for capturing our love as it was intended to be. I fell in love with Luke all over again when I saw them. They are very special to me and I thank you! Love ya!
