Monday, November 29, 2010

{The Kings} (my beautiful sister and her family of men)

I'm so excited about this post! Its another one of my favorites because it is my sister and her family, and a little of my momma and kiddos :). My sister and I are 4 years apart. Its a pretty good size gap, enough to make us not get a long all the time. We started to get really close the older we got, probably when I was around 12 we started to hit it off. Tonie can make me laugh to the point of tears. We are those sisters that have 5,000 inside jokes, and quote movies til we are blue in the face. She is ornery too. Her husband Brian is a lotta man for taking on such a wife as my sister (joke Tonie, kind of). They have three strapping young men (ages 5, 6, and 7) that are so handsome! My sister is totally outnumbered. Anyways I hope you enjoy a peek into my family, it is one of the most important things to me so I love sharing it with you!

Meet Brayden, Gavin, and Mason

And add in the parentals

One good looking family, wouldnt ya say?

A little love to gross the boys out :)

Do you think they have their hands full?

Isn't my sister gorgeous?

My E

Our Momma

A few women I love.


Good Lookins

I love this one! Normally I wouldnt use it because of the cars in the background but its too cute!

This picture should make you two want to have a little girl!


  1. Oh Jess, I am so proud. Not only of you, but of your abilities as a woman. You are truly phenomenal. You are great at everything you strive to do and that shows. I wish I had more of you in me! Words cannot express how much I love these pictures, and yes I am a little bias when it comes to you, but these are gorgeous!!! A thousand times thank you for what you have captured for us =-) I love you more than you'll ever understand!! Bumble Bee Tuna

  2. Jess these are SO awesome!! What an amazing gift you have!! Adorable family!! Loving the blog! <3
