Wednesday, March 23, 2011

{Amanda & Sean Conn}

This past May I was honored to be asked to be a bridesmaid in a wedding of two good friends of mine and Lee's. Amanda and Sean exchanged their vows to one another on May 8th of 2010. It was a beautiful wedding, but the thing I remember the most how fun their day was and the days leading up to the wedding day. I also remember all of the love that was with this group of people. It was amazing to be a part of this chapter in their lives. So thank you Amanda and Sean for inviting my family and I to be a part of your life.
 Anywho... since the wedding I fell like I have gotten much closer to Amanda. She is hilarious, sweet, hilarious, dirty, hilarious, and caring. That sums it up. Her and Sean have a relationship that most people want, with excitement, and laughter. I think Amanda keeps Sean on his toes, there is never a dull moment with her. So may I introduce Amanda and Sean....


One of my favies

Another favie

Amanda your Gorgeous!


One big happy family

Have I told you lately that I love you....

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